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What is Insulation Wrap Used For?

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What is Insulation Wrap Used For?

Insulation Wrap | Air Duct Cleaning Pasadena, CA

The term ‘insulation wrap’ refers to the insulation used on pipes or ducts in the home in order to prevent the loss of heat or cold air.  In most cases, homeowners use these wraps on ducts. By using this type of wrap, it is possible to prevent the loss of treated air through the skin of ductwork when a heating or air conditioning system is in use. By preventing the loss of treated air, one can enhance the efficiency of the heating and air conditioning systems in his/her home.

Wraps are Made of Two Layers

Different manufacturers use different materials to make an insulation wrap. However, the main layer is, in most cases, made of a fibrous and porous material like fiberglass while the outer layer is made of a reflective material that is less porous. The material of the outer layer on an insulation wrap helps to reflect and redirect any treated air trying to escape from the duct.

How to Choose The Right Wrap

Before choosing an insulation wrap, you should understand the different types and sizes of wraps available on the market in order to choose the most appropriate for the type of heating or air conditioning system you have. For instance, some insulation wraps only work on specific shapes of ducts while other wraps are effective irrespective of whether ducts are round, rectangular or square. Nevertheless, it is important to note that while some manufacturers make wraps to suit a particular duct shape, most of their wraps still work on different shapes of ducts.

How are These Wraps Installed?

In most cases, it is possible to staple the seams of the insulation wraps onto the ducts. After this, our professionals will ensure that the wrap remains firmly in place by placing pressure sensitive tape over the seams. In order to make the process of installing the insulation wrap easier, it is important to select a type of wrap that can fit around the entire duct.

Can I Use These Wraps Anywhere Else?

In addition to using wraps to prevent air loss, homeowners can also use them on water pipes in the home. During cool weather, water pipes located near the outer walls of a home may require insulation so that they do not freeze. Overall, these wraps are an inexpensive solution for air loss in ducts and pipe damage caused freezing that every homeowner should consider.

If you've got any further questions on this subject or wish to discuss our insulation or air duct cleaning services further, don't hesitate to contact us at Air Duct Cleaning Pasadena - we'll be glad to talk to you!


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